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Help Feed Families in the USA!

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The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to lay off employees and more people have needed help to be able to put food on the table. During this time, non-profit organizations that focus on relieving hunger have seen an increase in the demand for their services. This increase has been 30 or even 40 per cent from pre-pandemic levels.

The face of hunger is NOT just the homeless. It could be someone you know. Among many other negative consequences, food insecurity plays a negative role in kids’ education. There is also psychological damage and shame for parents who are not able to provide food for their families. This 2-minute video shows you how all this happens:

At Sage, we strongly believe no person should go to bed hungry. Sage colleagues are coming together to help non-profit organizations that focus on relieving hunger.

If you want to help feed a family, please consider making a donation to Feeding America through this page.

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Chicago, Illinois, 60601, United States

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