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Help Protect Ukrainian Refugees - UNHCR

Please help the Ukrainian Refugees During this Humanitarian Crisis

Om den här Gåvomöjlighet

The situation in Ukraine is deteriorating quickly, and Ukrainian families and children are in urgent need of your kindness and support.“We have already seen reports of casualties and people starting to flee their homes to seek safety…The humanitarian consequences on civilian populations will be devastating. There are no winners in war but countless lives will be torn apart.”-- Filippo Grandi, The UN Refugee High Commissioner for Refugees.

How to help in Ukraine and around the world:

UNHCR has been on the ground in Ukraine since 2014 providing life-sustaining services to people forced to flee and is scaling up assistance as needed to meet the urgent needs of Ukrainian families.Your gift today will ensure this vital work continues in Ukraine, and that resources are immediately available, wherever an emergency occurs. In these critical moments, your compassionate support provides these families with much-needed comfort in moments of overwhelming fear, uncertainty and exhaustion.Thank you for caring so deeply and for being a shining beacon of hope for displaced families in their darkest hour.

Välgörenhetsprojekt i den här Gåvomöjlighet
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